Two men talking about professional trade mark applications

The question of whether it is possible to register a foreign supplier’s trade mark in Australia comes up frequently in our trade marks attorney office. This may be a result of the substantial increase in global trading, the rise of digital communications, a more competitive commercial landscape, a growing understanding of the value of trade […]

Did you know that there’s no such thing as ‘trademarking’?  That’s because a trade mark isn’t a verb.  Nor is it an adjective.  It’s a noun. Now this may just seem like semantics and there are plenty of people out there who say that correct grammar is pedantic and it doesn’t matter how we say […]

The number of trade mark applications in Australia has increased over the past two years, defying the typical trend of a fall in this type of activity during periods of economic contraction. In its recent annual report, IP Australia noted an 8% and 9% increase in trade mark applications during 2020 and 2021 respectively.  This […]

Mark My Words Trademark Services announces that certain trademark fees will increase on 1 November 2013. We are really pleased that we have not had to increase trademark fees since we started two years ago until now! And, the increase isn’t too much we promise. The Two Main Stages of Registration Are Set to Increase […]

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The Free Online Trade Mark Search is conducted in Australia.

Jacqui Pryor
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