register a trademark jigsaw puzzle

Selling your business?  Regardless of your exit strategy – whether your timeline is still years away or not yet on the radar – there is one key thing you should be doing which could have a significant impact on value of your business and its saleability.  Registering a business name as trade mark is one […]

We sat down with our founder, Jacqui Pryor to find out what she loves most about running her own business and to bust some myths about the trademark process.  What inspired you to start MMW Trademarks? I had worked in the trade mark field for 10+ years before starting MMW Trademarks and over that time […]

business trade mark

The short answer is, often a ‘lookalike’ product will not infringe trade mark rights. In some circumstances, they may infringe other rights belonging to the trade mark owner. Queries often arise with regards to copycat brands and trade mark infringement, with many people wondering why and how these more affordable knockoffs appear to get away […]

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Jacqui Pryor
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