
Why Choose Us – The Best Trade Mark Registration Service

There are a number of reasons to choose Mark My Words Trademark Services to assist you in protecting your brands, here are just a few that help make us the best trade mark registration service …

Low Fees

Our fees are competitive when compared against other consultants, agents and attorneys and in fact are close to half the cost of large attorney firms. Where possible, flat fees are quoted so there are no hidden surprises. Very few services are charged by the hour and when they are, it’s a much lower hourly fee than most. See full fees 

It is important when comparing fees between professional firms to ensure that you are comparing ‘apples with apples’. Our fees include government fees (which are GST free), our professional fee, and GST on our professional fee. Other companies may show fees that don’t include their professional fee, or don’t include the government fee, or are ex-GST. (Look for asterisks next to fees and read the fine print!).

We won’t name names, but we’ve also seen some that charge the highest filing fees but file with the least expensive filing option (and their gain is your loss).

Additional Services at no extra charges

We will not charge extra for a number of services like other firms do – such as diarising and issuing of trade mark renewal reminders in 10 years time; reviewing and providing preliminary advice on any adverse reports received during examination; receiving and reporting on all correspondence throughout the standard application process; phone calls and discussions.


Our company is directed by Jacqui Pryor, who has more than 17 years of experience in handling trade mark matters. Jacqui is a registered Trade Marks Attorney, qualified to assist in all trade mark matters. All of our staff have experience working for firms or companies involved in the registration and protection of intellectual property, including trade marks.

Friendly Service

Often the area of trade mark registration can be complicated. We will always take the time to listen to you and your questions (there are no silly questions) and always explain things in a way that is easy to understand.

Flexible Payment Options

A part of our company mission is to ensure that businesses of all shapes and sizes have access to professional trade mark registration services and advice. We appreciate that smaller and start up businesses do not always have the budget for this, so, we provide a range of payment options (including payment plans) to assist. There are no additional fees for selecting to pay by payment plan!

Prompt Service

We respond to all enquiries promptly. We do not make you wait days just to get an answer to your questions. It is rare that you will wait more than 1-2 hours during business hours for a response to any web or email enquiry.

Choosing MMW Trademarks could be one of the smartest business decisions you’ll make.

It will be a smart decision in terms of protecting your important asset and it will be a smart decision in protecting your bottom-line.  We guarantee our expertise is of the highest level with proven experience in the complex field of trade mark law and we guarantee that our service is professional, efficient, friendly and reliable.  And from a cost perspective, you’ll find that our rates are surprisingly affordable.

In fact, if you choose MMW Trademarks to assist your business on any trade mark matter, we believe you’ll be getting the best trade mark registration service in Australia.

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